
Mindaugus Stumbras

Mindaugas Stumbras is a Lithuanian guitarist and composer based in Vilnius, Lithuania. His music is very dynamic, colourful and versatile. Beautiful and picturesque compositions are influenced by broad European jazz scene, American jazz tradition, Lithuanian folk music and Scandinavian improvisational music scene. Exciting and emotional melodies represent a mature and soft northern sound which sometimes can be interrupted by massive bursts of power and dissonance. Melancholic and nostalgic melodies merged with meditative flow of the harmony create a warm atmosphere that shapes the way this music sounds. Mindaugas Stumbras (b. 1996) is a jazz guitarist who performs and writes both jazz and contemporary music. He is one of the most promising Lithuanian jazz performers, who actively participates in Lithuanian and foreign jazz scenes. Having completed his secondary education at the Juozas Tallat-Kelpša Conservatory in Vilnius, the musician continued his education and in 2019 obtained a bachelor's degree from the Royal Conservatory of Scotland. Over the past few years, M. Stumbras has visited many European countries with his music, played in well-known jazz clubs and visited famous international jazz festivals. In 2018, he released his debut album, Our Kingdom, which was successfully presented and appreciated by listeners and music critics. 2021 he released his second studio album “Inspirations” and it gained even bigger interest in the broad jazz scene. The ensembles he founded have won Vilnius Jazz Young Power (2015) and Kaunas Jazz Competition (2020). In 2016, M. Stumbras took the first place in one of the most significant Lithuanian guitar competitions “Gitar? _Š?lsmas”, and in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 his works were selected for the collection “Jazz from Lithuania” published by the Lithuanian Jazz Federation. In 2022 he was awarded by Lithuanian Ministry of Culture for successful musical activity at the young age. M. Stumbras has participated in many Lithuanian and foreign jazz music festivals, such as: Venezia Jazz Festival (Italy), Eunic Jazz Festival (Germany), Ato Jazz Festival (Bulgaria), Jazz is Back (Croatia), Vilnius Mama Jazz (Lithuania), Skopje Summer Fest (Macedonia), Jantar Jazz Festival (Poland), Kaunas Jazz (Lithuania), St. Petersburg ID Jazz Fest (Russia), SuperNova JazzBlast Festival (Denmark) and others. The guitarist has played and recorded with well-known virtuosos such as Seamus Blake, Line Kruse, Fergus McCreadie, Kenneth Dahl Knudsen, Michelangelo Scandroglio and many more. The constantly improving guitarist and composer is actively performing with his own band and is one of the founders of the famous Lithuanian jazz group Brave Noises. The performer was invited to play with the JM Jazz World Orchestra, has participated in the activities of the Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra, and annually goes on musical tours and foreign recording studios. Young guitarist is inspired not only by the works of the world's virtuosos, but also by the stunning images of nature, experiences, human everyday life and global social phenomena. Mindaugas is looking for a new sound in various genres of music and remains true to the art of improvisation. Links:

Line up: Mindaugas Stumbras – guitar, Mateusz Sobieski – saxophone, Mark Hendry – bass & Greg Irons - drums.